Directors And Officers Insurance
Directors and officers insurance policies protect those in directorship or corporate officer positions in a company from personal liability claims.
This policy benefits all those that fall under the directors and officers position of employment. It covers both legal and investigation costings arising from such litigation claims.

What comes with a directors and officers insurance policy?
Directors and officers insurance will provide a safeguard for individuals in positions of directorship from the costs associated with litigation claims, as well as:
Continuous cover of any legal costs over a period of time.
Covers for joint ventures and new business entities.
Covers any breach of OH&S regulations.
Cover of crisis management costs.
Corporate reimbursement.
Employment practices liability.
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Want to know more about directors and officers insurance?
If you would like to find out more about how a directors and officers insurance policy can help cover you from litigation claims, please get in touch with us by calling Get in touch by calling